A convite da NATO uma delegação da AMONET visitou recentemente o Quartel-General desta organização em Bruxelas onde passou o dia e onde teve ocasião de ouvir exposições de vários peritos sobre questões de defesa que estão na ordem das preocupações internacionais. Segue-se a lista das intervenções e caso alguém deseje mais informação pode contactar-nos.
09.30 Welcome remarks by José Maria Lopez-Navarro, Information Officer for Spain and Portugal, NATO Countries Section, Public Diplomacy Division.
09.45 Briefing on Afghanistan, by Daniele Riggio, Information Officer for Afghanistan, the broader Region and Central Asian Republics, Outreach Section, PDD.
10.30 Briefing on implementation of 1325 UNSC Resolution on Women, Peace and Security and NATO’s policies on Gender Perspectives by Hilde Segers, Chief Office on Gender Perspectives, IMS.
11.15 Briefing on NATO-Russia by Mark Opgenorth, Russia and Ukraine Relations Section, PASP.
12.00 Briefing on Science for Peace and Security Section by Dr Deniz Yuksel-Beten, SPS, PDD.
12.45 Lunch as guest of PDD hosted by Antonella Cerasino, Head NATO Countries Section, Public Diplomacy Division.
14.30 Briefing on the New Strategic Concept by Dr. Stefanie Babst, DASG Public Diplomacy, PDD.
15.30 Meeting with H. E. The Permanent Representative of Portugal.
16.15 Departure.